Yeah! I lvled today and I saw AznJohny, after such a long time (a month).

I was going to sleepywood and when I was there I saw AznJohny, after talking to him through my buddy channel.

We trained at the dark Golems in sleepywood.

Than he had to go, so we said bye in the sauna.

Here's a screenshot from lvling up to lvl 52.

I continued training at the iron hogs, than I saw Mushmom... I feel so sorry for him... PHADIZZLE... I didn't want to ks (killsteal) him, so I asked him if I could shoot too, only he didn't reply so I didn't do anything... Than he died... *sob sob*. Eventually I killed Mushmom with one blow... He should have made that last blow not me... *sob sob*.
That's all for today, till the next interesting post *smile*. So happy, I lvled!
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