The last time I saw myself as a guild member of "Master Of Maple Clan" was on 29 June 2007... Yesterday, 08 July 2007, I logged in and I saw this:

Doesn't that look sad?

Guildless as I was... I started training in El Nath, while I collected Hector Tails and White Pang Tails for an hour. After that I went to the free market to look for sapphire ores to try to complete a quest, than suddenly I received an invite to a guild. I clicked accept and there it was a cute guild name with a cute pink cat in front of it "MarshMallow" *cute* Even the title that I have is cute, "Strawberry".
I met with the guild leader later and he gave me 15 sapphire ores *hugs ConkerNutz*

Isn't he sweet? He even told me that he'd help me look for sapphire ores in the fm with me. This is a +fame moment, so I famed him :)
It was dinnertime for awhile and I was getting hungry, so I decided to take an hour break to eat. Unfortunately, when I came back I heard that his search for sapphire ores lead to no sapphire ores in fm as well. So my hunt for White Pang Tails continued.
When I left El Nath I saw Aroius (lvl 67 Hunter). The funny thing is I saw him many times after that, even though we aren't in a party.

SprintSlash came online and took the boat from Victoria Island to Orbis. I continued playing till he arrived in El Nath. We partied, but than he died so I waited for him :'( An hour later, we needed to restock and sell our loot, so we went back to town. There I saw a person asking for mesos or does he want miso soup :p

Vlien to the rescue!!!

Later Nijntje talked and so did Napoleon

SprintSlash and I continued playing... And he died again

My day ended with about 10 minutes of training alone,

than I went offline to go to bed.
1 comment:
I can't believe I died so many times! I think I need to train somewhere else before I can go there again =x
Or.. maybe warriors just suck over there :o Maybe I should start over with a different class!
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