Omega Sector, an interesting new world. The entrance to that world can be found through the tower of Ludi, 1st floor.
It starts off looking like area 51, but than there is suddenly a town filled with soldiers and doctors, silos... It's almost a military ground. If you leave the town you'll see new creatures, aliens. Aliens that you'll have to hunt, to collect certain materials like mateon tentacles. It's recommended to go there if you're at least lvl 40, otherwise you'll have a very hard time.
As usual a few pictures:

To collect 3 notes, you'll have to defeat the Chief Gray. Only they are rare and they hardly drop a note...

I thought I would need three scrolls to go back up the tower to Ludi, but when you know a Priest, who can use a summoning rock to create a portal. It's just walking through a door from one place to another.
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