Hi visitor(s),
The last time I saw myself as a guild member of "Master Of Maple Clan" was on 29 June 2007... Yesterday, 08 July 2007, I logged in and I saw this:

Doesn't that look sad?

Guildless as I was... I started training in El Nath, while I collected Hector Tails and White Pang Tails for an hour. After that I went to the free market to look for sapphire ores to try to complete a quest, than suddenly I received an invite to a guild. I clicked accept and there it was a cute guild name with a cute pink cat in front of it "MarshMallow" *cute* Even the title that I have is cute, "Strawberry".
I met with the guild leader later and he gave me 15 sapphire ores *hugs ConkerNutz*

Isn't he sweet? He even told me that he'd help me look for sapphire ores in the fm with me. This is a +fame moment, so I famed him :)
It was dinnertime for awhile and I was getting hungry, so I decided to take an hour break to eat. Unfortunately, when I came back I heard that his search for sapphire ores lead to no sapphire ores in fm as well. So my hunt for White Pang Tails continued.
When I left El Nath I saw Aroius (lvl 67 Hunter). The funny thing is I saw him many times after that, even though we aren't in a party.

SprintSlash came online and took the boat from Victoria Island to Orbis. I continued playing till he arrived in El Nath. We partied, but than he died so I waited for him :'( An hour later, we needed to restock and sell our loot, so we went back to town. There I saw a person asking for mesos or does he want miso soup :p

Vlien to the rescue!!!

Later Nijntje talked and so did Napoleon

SprintSlash and I continued playing... And he died again

Only this time I was not left alone, Zuch (lvl 82, Hermit) was with me look at his chalk erasers. He looks cool ne?

My day ended with about 10 minutes of training alone,

than I went offline to go to bed.